Providing external partners and clients real-time access to updated documents has traditionally been a challenge for fast-moving organizations. No longer. Using Fusion Document Service by Matrix Logic, reliance on email and tedious manual processes for document distribution becomes a thing of the past. Leading organization understand the value of sharing information and distributing knowledge to the right people. Fusion Document Service enables your organization to do exactly that.
Matrix Logic FDS
Key Features
• Build secure web hyperlinks to any type of document in your DMS.
• Distribute document hyperlinks to authorized users.
• Strong security model for internal/external access without requiring a DMS login (optional).
• Check out, check in, view, select
• Provide eDOCS DM capabilities in to your website or portal
• Web services
• Matrix Logic can add custom features for your particular needs, and provide consulting assistance
Technical Specifications
Client System Requirements
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher (recommended) or Mozilla.
- Open Text DOCS Open 3.7.2 or higher, PowerDOCS 3.51 or higher, eDOCS DM 5.0 or higher.
Server System Requirements
- eDOCS DM Server
- Microsoft Internet Information Server